It's not.
True it is a Florence Nightingale picture.
True Florence Nightingale was an amazing Nurse.
True Florence Nightingale was a good person to be admired by boys and girls alike.
As it turns out, today's blog is not about Florence Nightingale but instead it is about the artist who painted this beautiful picture.
Who is this artist you ask???
May I present to you, making her first Daily Item solo appearance: (drum roll please)
Penny May Hope!!
Today is Penny's birthday and you guessed it...she is nine years old!! Penny is a wonderful, thoughtful, sweet, kind, funny, smart and beautiful daughter. Not to mention a fabulous artist! We are so lucky to have such an awesome young lady in our family.
Below are scenes from Penny's birthday party.
On behalf of the Daily Item: Happy Birthday Penny May!!